Product Certification - British Standards Institution (BSI)
Product certification is the process of certifying that a product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests in order to meet the necessary local, national or international quality standards relevant to a particular market or product set.
Fletcher Steel selected BSI ( as our independent third-party partner for product certification. BSI is among the most respected and reputable management systems certification bodies in the world and is accredited by around 20 local and international bodies, and specifically for New Zealand is a fully JAS-ANZ Accredited Certification Body.
This gives our customers and owners of the structures being built confidence that the reinforcing steel used will consistently perform to the required levels of strength and ductility as specified in the Standard. Our Quality Management System (QMS), manufacturing process and testing schedules are audited annually to ensure ongoing adherence to these requirements.
We have initially completed certification of our ductile steel reinforcing mesh to AS/NZS 4671:2001. Our certification can be found here. Our range of ductile mesh can be found here.

Testing Laboratory Accreditation - IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand)
Fletcher Steel’s testing lab is fully IANZ accredited for the testing of Metals and Metals Products within a Scope of Standards as specified on its certification here.
IANZ is New Zealand’s premier accreditation body. An organisation that holds IANZ accreditation can have confidence in its processes and thereby provide assurance to its customers and clients. IANZ is a full signatory member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the regional body, Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC). Accreditation is normally granted only for work that is performed regularly and for which organisations are properly equipped and have demonstrated their competence. The scope of accreditation will, therefore, vary with the range and complexity of work carried out, the competence and experience of staff and the level of technology available in the organisation.
In granting accreditation, IANZ will specify the following details in the scope of accreditation:
- The products and services provided
- Test/inspection methods used
- For testing laboratories, either measurement uncertainties or limits of detection for some types of tests.