Environmental Sustainability
Committed to sustainable practices
Fletcher Steel® is New Zealand's leading importer, distributor and processor of steel and is represented by the Easysteel®, Fletcher Reinforcing®, Fletcher Wire Products®, Dimond® Roofing, Dimond® Structural, CSP Pacific® and Pacific Coilcoaters®. With over 700 employees, we operate a national network of branches and manufacturing facilities from Whangarei to Invercargill.
Fletcher Steel accepts that as a leader in the New Zealand steel industry, it has both the opportunity and the ability to lead and influence emissions reductions across the country. Additionally, as a division of Fletcher Building, New Zealand’s largest construction and building materials manufacturer, it commits to Fletcher Building's published science-based target of a 30% reduction in emissions by 2030.
Toitū carbonreduce™ (formerly Enviro-Mark CEMARS)
In late December 2019 Fletcher Steel was the first steel distributor to achieve the carbonreduce™ certification.
carbonreduce™ is a programme, audited by Toitū Envirocare, which helps businesses accurately measure their Scope 1 & Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions, along with the addition of the significant Scope 3 emissions from suppliers of air travel, waste sent to landfill, and freight.

This certification scheme is world leading with companies from the United Kingdom and Europe using this process to account for their emissions.
Fletcher Steel meets the criteria of Toitū carbonreduce™ certification having independently audited its greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2006 and has committed to managing and reducing its emissions in respect of the operational activities of its organisation, which include the CSP Pacific, Pacific Coilcoaters, Easysteel, Dimond Roofing and Dimond Structural, Fletcher Reinforcing and Fletcher Wire Products brands.
Specifically, this means that Fletcher Steel are performing the following activities:
- Accurately measuring, monitoring and reporting the carbon emissions that Fletcher Steel are directly or indirectly responsible for (Scope 1&2)
- Voluntarily monitoring the largest sources of carbon emissions that are related to Fletcher Steel activities, namely freight, waste to landfill and air travel (Scope 3).
- These emission figures are being independently audited annually to the ISO standard, and are being reported as per the Emissions Inventory Report (EIR)
- Have an active Emissions Reduction Management Plan (EMRP) of reducing emissions by 30% by 2030, which uses the information gathered as part of this programme to identify and prioritise projects which will make a meaningful impact on emissions reduction.

Source: www.nb.com
While Fletcher Building has committed to a 30% Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions reduction by 2030, Fletcher Steel has also decided to take this one step further and create a plan to begin to tackle some scope 3 emissions in 2020. This plan includes investigating electric truck trials in partnership with local freight partner, transitioning to biodegradable wrapping for our products, and optimising current business practices to enable the reduced requirement for business travel.
Being certified to carbonreduce allows us to have accurate and honest conversations with our customers about what our direct impacts are on the environment. Our experience from undergoing this process to become certificated allows us to assist our customers to also make steps towards accurate carbon footprint measuring and the creation of carbon reduction targets.
We have experienced an increased demand from our customer over the last year for published carbon emission data to accompany tender documentation. Having this data certified and publicly available will make this process easier and we will be developing further supporting documentation in the coming weeks to improve this process further for our customers.
Having been Toitū carbonreduce™ certified means that our products have qualified for additional Greenstar credits across all our brands.
We have the opportunity to source lower embodied carbon steels to further reduce the environmental impact of our and our customers activities, meaning that we will have the ability to offer carbonzero™ solutions to our customers.